The centerpiece: 'The greener way'. The meta-theme that runs like a green thread through the entire magazine. It embodies Herrenknecht's DNA: connecting people, opening up underground spaces, showing new paths and developing sustainable solutions for the challenges of the future.
A magazine that goes into depth.

Herrenknecht's tunnel boring machines are part of huge projects and stand for technical excellence in tunnel construction.
It goes without saying that the annual magazine “All dimensions” literally drills into the depths. With reports, construction site reports and impressive images. Our job: to give this expertise a fresh framework. With a new magazine concept, a more human visual language and complete editorial support. A 360-degree job in 'all dimensions'.

The green thread in the magazine

Fresh color and image concept
In addition to a much more authentic and human image concept, the magazine elements and colors used also provided a new look. We primarily used the lightest shade of Herrenknecht green for this - and thus formed the visual bracket for the meta-theme 'The greener way'.
Deep Green
- R 0
- G 62
- B 37
Light Green
- R 125
- G 183
- B 19
Light Green
- R 182
- G 211
- B 132
Light Green
- R 220
- G 234
- B 197
90% Black
- R 255
- G 255
- B 255

Down to the smallest detail
From the initial topic research to in-depth deep dives to article creation and editing.
In addition to the design and image concept, VON HELDEN UND GESTALTEN was also responsible for the new edition of the content concept, the entire editorial planning as well as copywriting and storytelling.

From complex to understandable
The manufacturer of tunnel boring machines also makes its mark on major topics such as sustainability or the energy supply of the future with highly demanding projects. Highly complex topics that have not only been translated into in-depth technical articles, but also into comprehensible infographics in Herrenknecht style.