We bring Dreams to Life

Moving images must move and animations animate. At least that's our opinion. Feel, thrill, marvel, inform - whether on the big screen or on a cell phone screen.

Film production

We move mountains - and images

Film productions from a single source. We don't want to brag, but we have our own camera and lighting equipment for you, so we can realize almost anything - from a short interview on location to a production lasting several days. Including concept, storyboard, location and model scouting, shooting schedule and shot list.

„Capture Sparks and release Fireworks.“


Motion Design - where dreams come to life

At some point, even the best equipment is not enough to capture what we want to say. That's when we reach for the pen instead of the camera. With fantastic imagery, illustration and state-of-the-art motion design in 2D or 3D, we bring your message to life.

How we work

1. Kick Off

This is where the magic begins. We penetrate your topic, face your challenges and get to the bottom of the message.

2. Script

In the beginning was the word - even if we don't speak later. Our writers develop a script as the basis for implementation.

3. Style Frame

We define your personal style. Whether real image or animation, we first determine what your message world should look like.

4. Storyboard

The storyboard helps us to understand exactly what the future movie will look like and, above all, what will happen when.

5. Implementation

This is where pictures learn to run. Whether animation or shooting, our detailed preparation work allows us to realize your project efficiently.

6. Post Production

Implementation is not the end of the story. That's why we also take care of the post-production. Image editing, graphics, music and sound design make the moving image really moving.

New Business

Let's get things moving!
Contact me.

Director Motion Design
Dominik Schwegler
