You cant get around this look: With high-contrast colors and large typography, we are directly linking the new Start-up BW design to the THE LÄND campaign, with which there are also direct links in terms of content. Graphic arrows, crosses and circles as striking and animated eye-catchers complement the key visual of the Start-up BW Summit.
The future is up to us

We designed a complete brand relaunch fo the Landeskampagne Start-up BW des Wirtschaftsministeriums Baden-Württemberg: From a new concept with a uniform look and feel, to the support and design of the Start-up BW Night, to the event website, social media support and extensive trade fair measures for the Start-up BW Summit 2022 - the event highlight of the year for all founders in the country. Now not only is Start-up BW fit for the future - we are too.

The only way is: UP

Brave Colors
- R 255
- G 255
- B 255
- R 0
- G 0
- B 0
- R 150
- G 150
- B 150
The Länd Yellow
- R 255
- G 252
- B 0

Content in motion
Activating and animation-rich content that leads followers directly to the Summit landing page with a new look - that was our recipe for success for Start-up BW's online presence. Over 20,000 clicks led to the website with extensive information bout the event, speakers and participating companies. The trade fair design - from the welcome area to hall plans and merchandise - was also completely "made by VHUG".