Developing employees with a system



As part of LEADERSHIP 2020, Daimler has established a new corporate culture. One of the most important systems for this is "IMPULSE - Our people system", which unites all HR tools and offerings. With our extensive strategy consulting, we were instrumental in developing the concept of the system structure and the naming of the areas. Finally, our rollout campaign picked up, informed and motivated the Daimler workforce worldwide on the topic of IMPULSE.



Our Role

  • Brand Strategy
  • Campaigning
  • Corporate Design
  • Employer Branding
  • Storytelling & Content
  • Transformation & Internal Communication
  • Web & Mobile Solutions

Everything at a click

With our interactive infographic, we have clearly captured the world of IMPULSE. Employees can find out the background to each area and each tool. And those who wanted to learn even more could be picked up in more detail with the help of a series of explanatory films.

Setting the right impulses

The core of the new staff development are the areas MOVE, LEARN and DEVELOP. Various tools and applications are anchored under these terms. For both IMPULSE and the three areas, we have created our own visual world that is guaranteed to attract attention.

Learning from colours

For each of the three development areas, we have defined a specific colour that runs through the entire catalogue of measures.

Move Blue

  • R 2
  • G 130
  • B 255


Learn Turquoise

  • R 24
  • G 240
  • B 207


Develop Green

  • R 180
  • G 220
  • B 20


The right impulse

For the development of the logo, we combined the colours and elements we had defined to create a memorable and fitting word-image mark that reflects the aspirations of this system.

Sich weiterentwickeln

For the development of the logo, we combined the colours and elements we had defined to create a memorable and fitting word-image mark that reflects the aspirations of this system.

Always a bit better

In addition to key visuals, we also developed visuals in our image style to match important sub-areas. This included the TRAININGS theme in the LEARN area.

IMPULSE goes global

The IMPULSE event in Portland was one of the many stops for the IMPULSE team to introduce this new tool worldwide. Supported by our graphics and measures, all participants were able to immerse themselves in the world of "IMPULSE - Our People System".

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