Together, through interviews, surveys and workshops, we worked out what makes Klinikum Esslingen special and different from other locations. We used this otherness as a campaign message. Because Klinikum Esslingen stands for a community, a unique location and a diversity of specialties. And much more besides. We make this colourful mix of advantages tangible for the employer brand.
Employer brand with humanity

Klinikum Esslingen is an attractive employer with a lot to offer. In order to clearly highlight and emphasise this, we have positioned and further developed KE's employer brand in a multi-stage employer brand process. To do this, we created a common understanding of the values and the brand and involved internal and external target groups. At the same time, a recruiting campaign was created that shows visually and in terms of content: things are different here.
Public Institutions

Here is different.

Sharing is caring
Our motifs can be transferred to all formats and are designed to catch the eye on all screens and devices. Because the colourful diversity of Klinikum Esslingen is definitely worth sharing.

Welcome package
One of the core pieces of the new appearance: the manifesto. So that everyone is directly familiar with Klinikum Esslingen and knows what to expect, we have summarised the values, goals and benefits. Here we show the world of the clinic and the core of the employer brand.

See and be seen
Our motifs are also used on a large scale outside the clinic. This directly conveys a feeling for Klinikum Esslingen as an employer. But we don't just put attention-grabbing out-of-home measures on the road, we literally put the employer brand on the road: with a matching full-area bus wrap.

The faces of the clinic
For the shoot, several employees volunteered to give the Esslingen Clinic a face. In the end, the models were combined with our specially developed 3D environment to create the special look of our campaign.