Behind every new start-up is at least one smart person. Given the diversity in the start-up scene, there are quite a few. We highlight that through the different characters we develop.
Realignment of the umbrella brand

With Start-up BW, the state has created a platform to give founders and self-employed people - and all those who want to become one - a boost. By bringing the start-up scene together with the people and knowledge that will make their ideas faster and their business model better. This campaign is driven by measures developed by our agency.
Public Institutions, Start-up
Clever character heads
An acceleration strip
Our animated film shows in an exciting way what Start-up BW is all about: it is an accelerator for the start-up scene in Baden-Württemberg - and beyond.
100 good reasons
For founders, Start-up BW offers so many opportunities and is the platform for countless success stories. With a wide variety of messages and reasons, we get to the heart of the matter.
Start-ups listen up
With the Start-up BW Podcast, the two hosts Steffi Knebel and Matz Kastning answer all questions on the topic of start-ups and funding in Baden-Württemberg. The colourful mix of guests and topics gradually illuminates the entire cosmos of topics that Start-up BW serves.